Thursday, May 19, 2011

Eastern Bluebird Trail at Olson School Prairie

Bluebird Nest Cam

We have one Peterson Bluebird Nesting Box that has a bluebird nesting pair using it. The one by the playground is the one where a flash of blue has been sighted.
Unfortunately, a pair of sparrows, who are not native, have been trying to set up house in the box by the sidewalk and the road. We are leaving this box open to try to encourage them to build their nest somewhere else.

Bluebirds at Cornell site checking out the nest box.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Animals of The World

We have been studying animals in the 2/3 classes at Olson Elementary. We had an author/illustrator visit from Rick Chrustowski on Friday March 4th, 2011. He talked about how he observes animal behavior at his home. He planted prairie plants and even made a pond to attract frogs.